
2019 Registration coming soon! We are finalizing details with Little League before registration and be opened.

Welcome to EMW Baseball. The main purpose of this organization is to provide the opportunity for boys and girls to play, learn and enjoy baseball and softball in an atmosphere of good sportsmanship and fair play. It is essential that all of us conduct ourselves in a manner that will encourage this ideal.

Many hours of time are spent by volunteers to help make this program a success. It is our desire to create a community project in which parents may participate with their children in the baseball and softball programs. Coaches, umpires and workers are always needed and your assistance is most welcome.

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EMW Travel Tryouts - Baseball and Softball Opportunites

ALL NEW -- 10U EMW Impact Travel Softball Team(s) Forming:  Coach Carrie Vetter    (716)725-8210  or  carrieguyett@hotmail.com
Tryouts Monday, August 27 at 6pm and Wednesday, August 29 at 6pm.  Meet at Katie Durkin Minor Girls Field at Creek Road Park.
Please email ahead to confirm your interest.

ALL NEW -- 13-14U EMW Impact Softball Development/Tournament/Travel Team Wanted:  Please contact Carrie Barnard at (716)998-5241  or marillarose@hotmail.com to discuss possible team options.

16U Travel Baseball - Coach Jim Mercurio - Tryouts Saturday, August 10 from 10am - 12:00pm

15u/16u Showcase Team -  Coach Pat Degrace (ptpcrt@aol.com) - Tryouts rescheduled for Sunday 8/19 @ 545pm at Creek Road fields.

EMW Travel Softball 10u Tryouts


EMW Travel Softball

10u Tryout dates announced!

Monday August 27th 6-8pm


Wednesday August 29th 6-8pm

Held at EMW creek road - Katie Durkin Minor Field

Open to girls born 2008,2009,2010

Please contact Carrie Vetter with any questions


If your interested in trying out please email carrieguyett@hotmail.com to confirm your attendance.

2019 Tribe 14U Boys of Summer Champs!

EMW 13u Travel Baseball Team Wins WNY Boys of Summer League Championship!!!

$1,000+ League Sponsors


$500 League Sponsors

*Travel Baseball teams are determined by your age as of May 1, 2019. 

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