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Where are the profile tables?

The update to the edit page(registration, parent, player) didn’t change their functionally, only their looks. All the old tables are now placed into menu tabs at the top of the screen, so the old way of refunding a parent still works.


Registration Edit Navigation Tabs:

  • Registration Edit: Registration Info, Player Info
  • Parent Info: Parent 1 and parent 2 info, plus volunteer preferences for both parents
  • Additional Fields: Registration custom fields, billing info, payment info


Player Edit Navigation Tabs:

  • Player Edit: Player Info, emergency contacts
  • Parent Info: Parent 1 and parent 2 info, plus volunteer preferences for both parents
  • Additional Fields: Player custom fields, player permissions, season info


Parent Edit Navigation Tabs:

  • Parent Edit: parent Info, admin permissions, active/past registration info, 
  • Parent Fields: Custom Fields, Volunteering, Sign up requirements
  • Additional Info: Coach info, payments/fees, membership fees, officiating


Last update:
2016-06-20 15:14
Average rating:0 (0 Votes)

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