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- Admin Site: How do I create a link to a custom event sign-up page?
Answer: From the admin panel, navigate to schedule/games->utilities->event management. There will be a list of events. Click “edit” next to an event, and it will bring ... - Registration: How do I create a fee group?
Answer: Fee groups are easy to create. Navigate to Setup>Registration>Fee Structure and simply click on the button labeled 'Add Fee Group' at the top of the ... - Registration: My registration is all set up for this season. How do I provide a link
Answer: You can retrieve a link to registration by navigating to Setup->Registration->Registration Setup. A link to registration will be found at the bottom of the page. New ... - Registration: What is the URL to link to team registration?
Answer: You can find a link to team registration on the team registration setup page in the admin site (Setup->Registration->Team Registration Setup). The team registration link ... - Admin Site: Where can I find the link for registration?
Answer: To find the link for registration, navigate to Setup->Registration-> Registration Setup. At the bottom of the page there is a link to the registration for ... - Admin Site: How do I create timeslot groups?
Answer: Navigate to Setup=>Scheduling=>Timeslot Groups. There are two timeslot groups already present by default: 2 hour / 30 minutes and 2.5 hour / 30 minutes. These represent the ... - Admin Site: How do i create a new league?
Answer: Answer: The league creator menu allows admins to add addition leagues to the admin site and adds child leagues under existing leagues. League Creator: Menu used ... - Admin Site: Where do I find the link for the official sign-up application?
Answer: You can find the applications for the coach and referee registration process in members->volunteers->applicant report. Change the drop down to the application type you want ... - Public Site: How do I change the color of the links on the Public Site?
Answer: In the upper left corner, click on the menu ,then select Design. Next you want to select your theme's options (see below). You can change ... - Registration: How do I add fee codes to a fee group?
Answer: To create a fee code, begin by navigating to setup>registration>fee structure and opening the fee group you want to add a code to, either by ...
The most popular searches are:
- registration (262456x)
- create link to form (253238x)
- create+link+to+form (151650x)
- fee code (14510x)
- fee codes (12165x)
- fee groups (12104x)
- officials (1572x)
- refunds (1389x)
- logo (1372x)
- roster import (1173x)