Advanced search
7 search results
- Admin Site: Can I import players and how do I assign players to teams?
Answer: Players can be imported to teams using our roster import tool. You get there by navigating to registration->import roster. Attached is a template file that ... - Admin Site: How do I use the game roster manager?
Answer: The game roster manager is where you can setup the game roster for players/parents to veiw on the website. However, keep in mind that changes ... - Admin Site: How do I use the scheduling wizard?
Answer: Navigate to scheduling/games>utilities>scheduling wizard. If you have already created sites, they will be listed under create sites. You can edit the information of each site by ... - Public Site: How can coaches view and edit player information?
Answer: Coaches can view their team's roster by logging into the public website. Then once logged in, coaches can view the team that they want by ... - Admin Site: How do I create/edit resources and sites?
Answer: To add sites and resources, navigate to scheduling/games->utilities->scheduling wizard. Under the site tab, you can manually enter in the information for a site, or you ... - Admin Site: How do I assign a timeslot group to a resource?
Answer: 1. First navigate to scheduling/games->utilities->auto scheduler and click create timeslots. You can either create timeslots manually or import timeslots from a file. 2. Once that is ... - Admin Site: How do I setup registration?
Answer: We will start by going over the basic steps, and then each step will be expanded in detail. Menu in bold followed by navigation directions (), are referring ...
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