Parents Info
Cape Ann United Games Happen on Sat and Sun at locations throughout Essex County
Please remember you represent our community when visiting other towns and cities our behavior as parents makes an impact on our players and other spectators.Be civil and encouraging.
CAU is run by volunteers. All coaches and adult volunteers are required to complete a KidSafe application form prior to working in the programs. The board encourages constructive solutions to problems. All coaches are expected to follow the MYSA ZeroTolerance Policy
Additional coaches and volunteers are almost always needed so if you have time to give, please contact us.
A frequently asked question is why is registration so early. The reason is that CAU needs to submit team rosters to the county in early July for the Fall season and in early January for the spring season. We hold registration prior to the end of the previous season to allow us the time to coordinate a team selection process and then a data input period. Teams are then verified with the coaches and then submitted to the county.