SCVAA Player, Coach and Parent Code of Conduct

  1. Standards of Behavior

Participants, coaches, trainers, staff, officials, and spectators are expected to behave in a manner that positively reflects the values espoused by all sports played within the SCVAA and its affiliated Associations. Coaches are responsible for the conduct of their players and any Assistant Coaches. Parents are expected to behave in an acceptable and positive manner at all times.  Unsportsmanlike conduct during games, matches, or practices will not be tolerated. Coaches, Players, and Parents will know and comply with the intent and spirit of their sport’s rules.


The SCVAA has a zero tolerance policy regarding unacceptable conduct. This includes, but is not restricted to, the following conduct at any VAA games, matches or practices:


  1. Verbally or physically abusing players, coaches, or officials. 

  2. Addressing an official in a disrespectful manner.

  3. Influencing the decision or arguing the judgment call of an official (clarification of rules is permitted).

  4. Any physical aggression.

  5. Use of drugs, alcohol or tobacco.

  6. Using profanity or making insulting/vulgar gestures.

  7. Tantrum-like acts (e.g. throwing chairs or other equipment, damaging or destroying property)

B. Complaints

Complaints regarding coaches, spectators, participants, or officials should be sent via email or in writing to:, or SCVAA, Attn: Cognizant Sports Commissioner, PO Box 44, Stillwater, MN 55082. The complainant may also elect to contact the specific sports commissioner via email or at his or her telephone number listed on the SCVAA web-site: .

Complaints will be reviewed by the commission of the sport in question, and appropriate monitoring and/or disciplinary action taken. Any concerns regarding the interpretation of application of these policies should be directed to your team’s Head Coach or to the appropriate SCVAA sports commission via phone or email.

C. Disciplinary Action

Individual sports commissions shall review, conduct hearings, and take any disciplinary action deemed necessary to ensure the integrity of their respective programs. Where possible, the Executive Board should be notified via email or in writing of any disciplinary action contemplated by an individual sports commission before action is taken. In those situations where action must be taken quickly, the Executive Board shall be notified within 3 days of the action taken.  The Executive Board of the St. Croix Valley Athletic Association may review disciplinary procedures/actions of an individual commission before the individual commission proceeds with its disciplinary action. In all cases and as time permits, a member of the Executive Board should participate as a third party witness in the disciplinary action taken.

Players and coaches may be suspended for actions detrimental to participants and/or the program. In addition, players may be suspended for parental actions considered detrimental to participants and/or the program. Any participant, coach, or spectator may be ejected from a tournament or other competition by an official or from a practice by the SCVAA site supervisor or coach for any of the acts described in Paragraph A. The ejected person must leave the facility or playing field immediately. Refusal to leave shall result in forfeiture of the game or match and/or suspension of the participant from practice. The first ejection will include an automatic suspension from the team’s next practice. However, depending upon the severity of the behavior, the cognizant SCVAA commission may impose further sanctions. A second ejection will automatically result in suspension for the remainder of the season. 

D. Appeals

All parties involved have the right to appeal the decision of an individual commission. The appeal must be in writing and submitted within 30 days of the decision.  Appeals must be mailed sent to: SCVAA, Attn: President, PO Box 44, Stillwater, MN 55082. Upon receipt of the appeal, the President will schedule a timely hearing involving a simple majority of the Board of Directors. The hearing will include all parties involved at the initial hearing (participants, coaches, spectators and/or officials) as well as the league coordinator. The decision of the Board is final. Any disciplinary actions imposed by any official of the SCVAA will remain in effect until the conclusion of any appeal.


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