BBA Fundraising

The BBA takes pride in raising funds through different avenues to help keep the cost of participation to a minimum.

Team Sponsorships 

An integral part of our baseball program is the relationship between the BBA and our Berea Business Partners.  For more information, visit the BBA Sponsorships page.

Candy Sale Fundraiser 

Every season, children in the 7-8 boys and girls, 9-10 boys, 9-11 girls and 11-12 boys divisions are required to participate in a candy sale fundraiser, by selling a minimum of one box of candy bars for $52 or they opt out of the candy sales for $30.

Spring BBA Reverse Raffle

Along with our candy sale fundraiser and sponsor donations, the annual Reverse Raffle is another fundraising event to financially support our in-house and travel programs. Tickets and further information regarding the Reverse Raffle will be available during player registration dates.  Information may also be requested from the BBA Board.

FALL BBAT Night at the Races

The annual fall Night at the Races is held each year to help the travel baseball program offset their games fees, equpiment and uniforms. Go to to get additional information on other BBAT fundraisers.