LDB Sponsorships
For a 2019 sponsorship... please complete the sponsor form and mail to:
Lancaster-Depew Baseball
Attn: Jeff Loga
43 Pavement
Lancaster, NY 14086
Checks Payable to: Lancaster-Depew Baseball
Click to download => 2020_Sponsorship_Form
* Team Sponsors will receive your companies name on the back of a team’s jersey.
* Website Banners are displayed on the leagues website.
* Field Signs are 3 x 8 in size and are placed on the outfield fences. Signs are placed on Candlestick, Offerman, Brickyard, Wrigley, and Fenway outfield fences at Westwood Park.
* Scoreboard Sponsorship will display your company name and or logo on top of our scoreboards. The initial sponsorship is for 2 years with options to renew.
* Dugout Sponsors are 3 x 4 feet size banners (home & away side) and are hung on the back of the dugouts. Banners
will be placed on the diamonds requested: Candlestick, Offerman, Wrigley, Fenway, Wrigley, and Brickyard.
Contact Us

Lancaster-Depew Baseball would like to help advertise and promote your business to an increasing audience for the upcoming 2019 baseball season. The league has always taken great pride and pleasure in guiding our youth and this year is no different. We expect close to 800 boys/girls to play baseball in 2019 and these young athletes along with their parents, relatives and friends will visit our parks on an average of 1 to 2 times a week.
About Lancaster-Depew Baseball.... Lancaster-Depew Baseball (LDB) is open to girls/boys ages 5 to 18 and are entering into our 61sth season. League is looking for Sponsors in 2019 and relies on sponsorships and donations to help offset costs related to replacing worn equipment, uniforms, game balls, trophies and league activities.
By sponsoring a team(s), you are supporting youth sports and advertising your company/ business to an increasing audience that includes the following:
- Lancaster - Depew community who visits Westwood Park to watch games, bike, walk, fish or roller blade.
- Over 800 players, 700 families, 60 plus house teams, 22 travel teams that attend the park and access the league’s website for schedules, standings, and league events.
- Outside teams and families. In 2017 LDB hosted 7 baseball tournaments at Westwood Park that attracted over 70 teams from outside the area. League also holds a summer baseball camp in July to over 100 players.
With a team sponsorhip you will receive an individual wall sponsor plaque of the team(s) that you sponsored to display and all sponsors will be placed on a thank you board posted outside the concession stand window.
If you feel that you cannot sponsor a team at this time, but would like to make a tax-deductible donation to the league, you can note this on the league’s sponsor form.