A division for special needs players ages 4-18, or up to age 22 if still enrolled in high school, to enjoy the game of baseball. Our Challenger Division plays on Fridays at The Complex and participates in games with other Little League Challenger teams in the area.
T-Ball 4/5
T-Ball Division for 4 and 5 year old boys and girls. (This T-Ball division will always hit off a tee.)
T-Ball Single A
T-Ball Division for 5 and 6 year old boys and girls. (Players at this level can choose to hit off a tee or have a coach pitch.)
Baseball AA
Baseball for boys and girls age 7 and 8. This is also known as the “Coach Pitch” division.
Baseball AAA
Baseball for boys and girls age 9 and 10. This is the first division of “Kid Pitch”.
Baseball Majors
Baseball for boys and girls age 11 and 12.
Baseball Juniors
Baseball for boys and girls age 13 and 14. Games are played on the northern fields (90-foot bases).
Baseball Seniors
Baseball for boys and girls age 15 and 16. Games are played on the northern fields (90-foot bases).
Men's Baseball (Recreation League)
Baseball for boys and girls age 17-22. Games are played on the northern fields (90-foot bases).
Softball AA
Softball for girls age 7 and 8.
Softball AAA
Softball for girls age 9 and 10.
Softball Majors
Softball for girls age 11 and 12.
Softball Seniors
Softball for girls age 13-16.