Ballpark Safety

General Rules

  • With games in full swing and all fields occupied every night, please keep the following in mind:
  • OHYSA is a smoke-free facility. No smoking or vaping is allowed on-site. Smoke-free tobacco products are not allowed in dugouts, bleachers or on the field.
  • With the exception of service animals, pets are prohibited from the complex, regardless of species or age. All animals are subject to inquiry per ADA legal cite.
  • Dirt stockpiles throughout the complex are for field maintenance use only.  Observe posted Danger signs and do not allow your children to play in them.
  • Drive with caution and reduced speed . Children often walk across the roadways on their way to fields and cages and their safety is our first priority.
  • Park only in the gravel lots and obey No Parking signs. No part of your vehicle should be blocking the roadway or driving portions of the lots. Do not park behind someone without their express prior consent.
  • Use of the batting cages is prioritized for team use specific to cage location. Anyone 18 or younger using the cages MUST wear a batting helmet, whether pitching or batting. Use of metal or molded cleats is prohibited in all cages - flexible, rubber soled shoes only.

Severe Weather Policy

Zero Tolerance Policy

The Board would like to stress to our community that we do have a policy regarding lightning and other storm conditions.  This policy is used. A Board member or Commissioner (“green shirts”) is always on site at the complex for scheduled games. If you ever have any questions about safety procedures at our complex, you can always contact a Board Member for further information.

  • All activities will be halted and the Oak Hill Youth Sports Association Complex will be closed for at least 30 minutes when there is (1) a thunderstorm with claps of thunder, (2) lightning is observed, or (3) if there is a tornado warning in the vicinity of the facility.
  • Players, coaches and spectators will be advised to seek shelter in a safe, fully enclosed building or a vehicle.  At no time should players remain in the dugouts during this 30 minute period.
  • The game will not be resumed until a full 30 minutes after (1) the last clap of thunder is heard, (2) the last bolt of lightning is seen, or (3) the tornado warning has been lifted. Participants will be signaled if/when it is determined to be safe to re-enter the Complex.
  • If field conditions allow, activities may resume at that time.  The umpire on each field will have sole discretion in determining the 30-minute period for each game, and he may not be overruled by the managers of the teams playing the game. 
  • A Board Member and/or Commissioner on site may be consulted and shall have authority to suspend or resume all games on all fields. 
  • If the game cannot be resumed, it will be suspended until a later time. 

All OHYSA players, coaches, team officials, league administrators and parents are expected to be respectful and sportsmanlike at all times when representing OHYSA. Penalties and disciplinary action by the league can be assessed for the following violations:

Players, Coaches, Parents and Spectators cannot

  • Openly dispute or argue decisions from an official
  • Use ANY obscene or vulgar language and/or gestures
  • Visually demonstrates dissatisfaction with an official's decision
  • Display unsportsmanlike behavior toward any player, coach or official
  • Taunt players, coaches, officials or spectators by baiting, ridiculing, threatening violence or engaging in physical violence
  • Throw objects in the stands or dugout in any manner intended to create a safety hazard.

Officials are required to conduct themselves in a businesslike, sportsmanlike, and impartial manner at all times. "Baiting" or inciting players or coaches is strictly prohibited. 

Parents/Spectators - The game will be stopped by league officials when parents/spectators display inappropriate or disruptive behavior. Violators will be identified to the coaches for the purpose of removal before play is resumed. Lost time will not be replaced and violators may be subject to further disciplinary action by the Board of Directors.

Weapons Policy

Rules of Thumb

Oak Hill Youth Sports Association is private property. Accordingly, we prohibit ALL weapons of any kind from the premises, except those carried by Law Enforcement Officers in performance of their duties. The following legal notices are in accordance with Texas State law.

Pursuant to Section 30.06. Penal Code (trespass by license holder with a concealed handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun licensing law), may not enter this property with a concealed handgun.

Conforme a la seccion 30.06 del Codigo Penal (Traspaso por poseedor con licencia para portar arma de de fuego oculta), Personas Con licencia bajo del sub-capitulo H, Capitulo 411, Codigo de Gobierno (Ley de licencias de armas de fuego), No pueden entrar a esta propiedad con una pistola oculta.

Pursuant to Section 30.07, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with an openly carried handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun licensing law), may not enter this property with a handgun that is carried openly.

Conforme a la seccion 30.07 del Codigo Penal (Traspaso por poseedor con licencia para portar arma de de fuego oculta), Personas Con licencia bajo del sub-capitulo H, Capitulo 411, Codigo de Gobierno (Ley de licencias de armas de fuego), No pueden entrar a esta propiedad portando abiertamente una pistola.



  • Do not force your child to participate in sports, but support their desire to play their chosen sport. Children are involved in organized sports for their enjoyment. Make it fun.
  • Encourage your child to play by the rules. Children learn best by example.
  • Do not embarrass your child by yelling at players, coaches or officials. 
  • Emphasize skill development and how practices benefit athletes. 
  • Know the rules and support the officials on and off the field. 
  • Know enough to know that you won't always know the rules.
  • Recognize the importance of those volunteering to coach your child.
  • If you enjoy the game, learn all you can and dedicate time as a volunteer!


  • Display good sportsmanship & respect players, coaches and officials.
  • Act appropriately; do not taunt or disturb other fans. 
  • Cheer good plays of all participants, avoid booing opponents.
  • Cheer in a positive manner; avoid objectionable cheers.
  • Support the umpires and coaches - don't undermine their efforts.
  • Be responsible for your own safety and alert to help prevent accidents.
  • Respect dugouts as private areas for players, coaches and officials.



In the event that a situation arises which requires COMPLETE EVACUATION OF OHYSA the following procedure will be used:

All cars parked north of an imaginary line running between the concession stand and the flagpole complex will exit in an orderly fashion onto the eastbound HWY 290 access road from the 290 gate (and church gate if opened). All cars parked south of an imaginary line running between the concession stand and flagpole complex will exit in an orderly fashion onto Joe Tanner Ln through the creekside gate. 

OHYSA Board members and on-site personnel will assist in directing traffic.


When conflicts arise between Coaches, Parents, Players and Umpires, the expectation is that we should be able to discuss and resolve the issue appropriately. These discussions should ALWAYS be in the best interest of the children. These are the steps for conflict resolution at OHYSA.

STEP ONE: Discuss the problem with the person or persons involved. In the event the person is a child and there is no response then have the parent notified of the situation so they may intervene if necessary. This should happen immediately or within 24 hours of the situation.

STEP TWO: If there is no resolution after the first step then contact the appropriate Commissioner. The Commissioner will assess the situation and make recommendations on how to proceed. This should happen within 36 hours of the situation.

STEP THREE: if there is no resolution after the second step then the Softball or Baseball Commissioner should be contacted. The Softball/Baseball Commissioner will then assess the situation and make recommendations on how to proceed. This should happen within 48 hours of the situation.

STEP FOUR: if there is no resolution after the third step then the Infractions Committee, chaired by the President of the Oak Hill Youth Sports Association and comprised of the President, Vice-president (Vice-chair), Baseball/Softball Commissioner, and three (3) members appointed by the Board of Directors, will convene to review any complaints of an official nature which might be received concerning the conduct of individual managers, assistants, players, parents, umpires, or other program participants.

  • Complaints to the Infractions Committee must be in writing via email and submitted to the OHYSA President within three (3) days of the incident complained of in the complaint
  • Upon receipt of a complaint the committee will hear evidence and announce a decision in writing within ten (10) days after receipt of the complaint
  • Any person dissatisfied with the committee's decision may appeal that decision to the Board of Directors. An appeal must be submitted in writing to the President within three (3) days of the committee's decision.
  • An Infractions Committee member involved in the circumstances leading to the complaint or who has a child playing in the league or division in question is not eligible to participate in the hearing or decision of the complaint. In the event that one or more Infractions Committee members is ineligible to participate, the Board of Directors shall appoint a replacement member or members.