
WHEREAS, the Charleston Church Recreation Association desires to encourage each of its participating basketball coaches to provide at least a minimum amount of playing time for all of his or her team members; and


WHEREAS, the Charleston Church Recreation Association believes that a rule requiring minimum playing time for every team member should be tested for at least one playing season; and


WHEREAS, the Charleston Church Recreation Association believes that if such a rule proves effective and beneficial, it may be added to the Association’s Bylaws.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that during the 1997-98 basketball season, every coach will assure that every team member attending a regular season or play-off game receives the equivalent of one-quarter of playing time in each such game.  If the Executive Council determines that a coach has not made a consistent good faith effort to implement this requirement, he may be suspended from coaching for as many as three games during the season.

The above resolution was adopted unanimously by the members of the Association who attended the September 8, 1997, annual meeting.