Players who are established members of and who have attended a particular church or synagogue for a period of not less than 12 months and have shown a consistent pattern of attendance (averaging one visit per month) are eligible to participate in the CCRA League and in other recreation leagues if granted a waiver by the Association Executive Council.
Please check the appropriate statement:
____ Yes, I qualify for a waiver and do intend on playing in other recreation leagues this season.
____ No, I do not want a waiver. I understand that I may not play in other recreation leagues this season.
*Required Signatures
Each of the undersigned personally and independently verify that the information provided above is true.
Player ___________________________________________ Date ____________________________________________
Coach___________________________________________ Date ____________________________________________
Parent (Legal Guardian) _____________________________________________
Date ____________________________________________
Pastor or Rabbi ____________________________________________
Date ____________________________________________
Church Representative ____________________________________________
Date ____________________________________________
*All signatures must be provided if a waiver is being sought. Only the player signature is required if a waiver is not being sought.