Board of Directors
Nolan Mast |
Vice President |
Secretary |
Treasurer |
Communications |
Uniforms |
Training |
Sam Geraci Facilities |
Baseball Committee
Chad Wiley, Baseball Commissioner (512-680-6858)
Josh Hughes, Weeball Commissioner
Jeff Jefferies, 6U Commissioner (512-431-0321)
Luis Chavez, 8U Commissioner (512-699-2656)
Eric Barden, 10U Commissioner
Gene Shrock, 12U Commissioner (512-924-9403)
Mike Davis, 14U Commissioner (512-940-0726)
Traci Anderson, 18U Commissioner, (512-423-8708)
Jeff Hodges, Oak Hill Centex Representative (512-627-5389)
Softball Committee
Katie Bryant, Interim Softball Commissioner
Scott Egbert, 6U Commissioner (512-694-9832)
Board meeting schedules are posted on the main page and system calendar Additional meetings may be scheduled as necessary in order to conduct business. Meetings may be rescheduled at the discretion of the President or in the event of lack of quorum. Rescheduled meetings will be posted on the website. Meetings are held at 6:30PM at the Front Office unless otherwise indicated. Board meetings are open to the membership with the exception of the Rules Change meeting, held in November.
OHYSA Umpire Basics
Your UID changes EVERY season. For youth umpires playing in the current season, this ID is not the same as either the Player/Parent ID or the Registration ID.
If you are 18 or older, or will be turning 18 during the season SUBMIT A BACKGROUND CHECK.
Complete a Release & Waiver of Liability.
- Current youth OHYSA players can skip this.
- Minors not currently registered at OHYSA must have their parent/guardian complete waiver.
- Adult umpires must complete waiver.
You can email your completed and signed form to (this is NOT an encrypted email address), or mail it to PO Box 91416 Austin 78709.