Registration Information:
Registration will open on 1/1/2025!!!!
Registration fees on or before 3/15/2025:
1 child = $90
2 children in the same family $160
3 children in the same family $215
4 or more in the same family $230
LATE Registration fees on or after 3/16/2025:
1 child = $115
2 children in the same family $195
3 children in the same family $270
4 or more in the same family $285
We have 5 divisions 6 and under(6U), 8 and under(8U), 10 and under (10U),
13 and under(13U) and 14 and over(14O)
The players age will determine which division they will be assigned to. Our cut-off date for all divisions is July 1st. Example: If you turn 11 before July 1st you will be placed in the 13U division if you turn 11 on or after July 1st you will be placed in the 10U division.
Siblings in the same division will be placed on the same team unless requested otherwise.
Due to the number of children in our league we will not be able to guarentee special request unless Medically necessary.

**********Required items to play:**********
Soccer cleats(no toe cleat) - 6U cleats are optional but recommended
Shin guards - All Divisions
Water bottle
Soccer ball of the correct size based on division:
6U Size 3 Ball
8U Size 3 Ball
10U Size 4 Ball
13U Size 5 Ball
14O Size 5 Ball