2014 Inductees

2014 Hall of Fame Inductees

Lou Gray

Lou, a South Jersey native, retired from the Construction industry with his wife Barb to SCG. When he got here he joined the Softball Club and was a member of the second Board of the Club. He was a founding father of the annual Valentine’s Dance, Diamonds (softball wives social group) and was instrumental in getting the ads sold and up around the ball field. Revenue for the advertising has contributed more than $300,000.00 to SCG. He also coached the Diamonds Women’s Softball team that played for several years in the NW Valley Women’s League.


Judy Muller

Judy and her husband Jack, both California natives, moved to Sun City Grand in 2005. From the beginning Judy was involved with managing championship teams, commissioner duties and is the creative and managerial force behind the Valentine’s Dance which has grown under her leadership to be “the event” in SCG every February 14th. Judy has also served for several years on the Rating Committee and continues to contribute to the Club’s success. She also has the special honor of being the first woman to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. In honor of her induction the women who have played softball with Judy surprised her with a flash mob.


Jim Palzer

Although Jim was born in Kankakee, Illinois everyone in Grand thinks that he is from Omaha and well, he had a lot of success in Omaha, so we can stick with that myth. Jim and his lovely bride Judy moved to Grand in 2001. Jim is someone who lives the retirement ideal of ‘service’. Jim joined the Softball Club in 2005. He has managed teams for several years. He was also the Director of Field Maintenance for 2 years. In between softball, tennis, and some golf, he volunteers for the American Cancer Society’s Road to Recovery Program and Relay for Life. This has been his passion for several years now. Being a cancer survivor, he is relentless in his quest to help raise funds for the Relay for life. Just within the Softball Club alone, Jim has collected over $19,000 in donations since 2010.


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